To provide carrier-grade infrastructure and innovative managed services, engineers must hold the CCNP Service Provider certification. For service provider network engineers, systems engineers, and network specialists in charge of providing a scalable carrier-grade infrastructure capable of quick expansion to support the continuous introduction of new managed services and other customer requirements, the Cisco Certified Network Professional Service Provider (CCNP Service Provider) certification is appropriate.
Exams & Recommended Training
The best way to prepare for this certification is to take the following 4 training , each with a duration of 5 Days:
The new CCNP-SP certification requires passing the SPROUTE test, which this instructor-led course will help students prepare for.
Students enrolled in this instructor-led course will be ready for the new CCNP-SP certification’s SPADVROUTE test.
The new CCNP-SP certification requires passing the SPCORE test, which this instructor-led course will help students prepare for.
Students enrolled in this instructor-led course will be ready for the new CCNP-SP certification’s SPEDGE test.
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