English and mathematics-focused new SAT, ACT, and EST courses are available online and in person at the Guidance Language Center (GULC).


ACT, SAT, and other


With many years of expertise under our belts, we provide excellent services.


Get your desired score and pass your English on the ACT, EST, and SAT with ease.

In-person English courses

Dubai and other countries are served by our SAT, ACT, and est courses. Classes are offered both in-person (see our locations) and virtually using Zoom software. To select from the available days and times, click “BOOK NOW.”

SAT, ACT, and est English F2F

For grade 10, classes are held once a week.

Grades 11 and 12 courses are taught based on the attendance of the students.

To select from the available days and times, click “BOOK NOW.

English for SAT, ACT, and EST online

Grade 10 courses are offered once a week.

For grades 11 and 12, classes are taught based on the number of students enrolled.

To select from the available days and times, click “BOOK NOW.”


Get the score you want on the ACT, EST, and SAT mathematics tests by passing them with accuracy.

In-person Mathematics Classes

Duba iand other countries are served by our SAT, ACT, and EST courses. Zoom software is used to conduct online and in-person courses in Nasr City. To select from the available days and times, click “BOOK NOW.”

SAT, ACT, and est mathematics F2F

Grade 10 courses are offered once a week.

For grades 11 and 12, classes are taught based on the number of students enrolled.

To select from the available days and times, click “BOOK NOW.”

Online SAT, ACT, and EST Mathematics

Grade 10 courses are offered once a week.

For grades 11 and 12, classes are taught based on the number of students enrolled.

To select from the available days and times, click “BOOK NOW.”

About Us

The SAT, ACT, and EST test preparation department offers English and Math instruction for the new exams. We also advise you to pass your AP or IG with ease because we employ the top teachers in the industry. We also introduce the stringent regulations of the tests to you. You don’t have to pay more for presentations, software, hard copies or soft versions of our publications, or for the most recent official guidebooks—all of these are included in the course fees. Dubai and other countries are served by our SAT, ACT, and EST courses.

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